Technical Information
System architecture and application details
This page is for those who are interested in the technical details of the Intersect on FHIR "system." It is referred to as a system because it is developed with three primary components. The foundation is a cloud repository containing the entire FHIR data set running in a Mongo database. Each Intersect client has a separate instance of the cloud repository. FHIR is discussed on a different web page, and you can learn more about it there or on their web page at if you desire. The Intersect on FHIR system does not currently use the entire data set, but it is all there and available for future inclusion if needed. JSON API calls to the FHIR cloud repository populate an Angular user interface. The user interface is integrated into separate intuitive workflows for physicians, nurses, schedulers, billers and system administrators. The patient record, a major component of the application is completely composed of FHIR resources, as is the case with every application component, except for one. What isn't related to FHIR, is the Webex integration. Patient records contain a link to initiate a virtual visit which opens a Webex virtual patient encounter. Webex was selected because of its ease of integration, granular administrative control, and because nothing is required to be installed on the patient device. Another component of the solution is the patient device. Patients are provided with a "locked down" tablet computer with an 8.7-inch display to host a mobile application, provide connectivity to prescribed medical devices and connect to the Internet. The mobile application hosts FHIR APIs related to the information being collected and mirrors the same resource in the cloud repository. The same methodology is used with the Physician and staff application and with the integration to the on-premises EHR system. As data is collected and pushed to the cloud, it is available in each location in real-time. The mobile application also has links to initiate and review tests for the prescribed medical devices. Additional features are Tasks and Reminders, internal Messaging, device instructions, help, and physician appointment request features. The application will support connections to multiple devices to treat patients with multiple chronic disease.Intersect uses Esper to manage patient tablets. Esper enables device usage to be restricted to the mobile application. Esper also enables applications to be updated remotely. Any trouble-shooting steps that could be achieved if the device we in hand can be achieved remotely through the Esper application. The final element of the system is Genetica AI. The use-cases for Genetica are many. In addition to creating reminders related to testing, Intersect will have several clinical use-cases ready to implement. Other instances can be created to meet the needs of individual healthcare organizations. Genetica's "drag and drop" capability means that the time and cost to develop is less than would be required from coding by a magnitude of ten. The primary purpose of the FHIR data set is to enable interoperability with EHRs. With the requirements for certified EHRs to utilize FHIR in order to create interoperability means integrating Intersect on FHIR integrating is no longer the extended process that was previously the case with EHR integration. That process should now be measure in hours rather than days. Although not featured as part of its primary use-case, provider organizations could also utilize Intersect on FHIR for other data-related tasks. The FHIR data set has the capability to connect disparate data sources into a single integrated database. That feature means that reporting tasks involving different data sources or tasks created when merging data following acquisitions or EHR changes can be greatly simplified. U.S. Patent Pending