
EHR Infrastructure

Many of the Intersect EHR's™ competitive advantages are due to its core infrastructure. A number of those benefits result from the system's single patient record through the continuum of care. Wherever the patient goes within your system, the electronic record is available and the data is in real-time. The application uses a single database.

The single database design also means that data analysis is much less expensive and complex because data doesn't need to be aggregated from individual silos of information across numerous databases.

Other significant benefits result from the application's web-based design. As the new standard in application development, web-based design means that the application is accessed from a browser rather than the older client-server technology used in most competitive EHR systems. Those require that a "client application" be installed on each workstation. With this newer web-based design methodology, the costs for managing workstations is drastically reduced and simplified. This could be very significant in a scenario such as an ACO where many locations, often with very few users, are common.

Users working remotely can access the application from any device with an Internet connection including tablets and smartphones. With web-based design, security is enhanced because all patient records remain on the server.

The Intersect EHR is installed on "Microsoft software" running in a VMware environment. VMware's advanced feature set is used to gain redundancy in either on-premise or hosted environments.

The system is available in either an on-premise or SaaS deployment model.