The Intersect EHR is the most ideally suited ACO software solution available from any vendor. There are many reasons why, and each of them is compelling. Intersect will provide your Accountable Care Organization and its member organizations with the technology resources needed to thrive in the reformed environment - not just with the Medicare Shared Savings Program, but also with future initiatives yet to come from CMS, private payers, and even employer self-funded plans.
To begin, Intersect will scale - from where you are now to where you aspire to be in the future. You won't outgrow the system. Intersect favorably supported Ford's 12,000 users and has been successfully tested with 1,000 concurrent users. Additionally, Intersect's web-based application infrastructure is ideally suited for deployment scenarios where users are located at many locations over a wide area. The reason is, that unlike the client-server architecture used with competitive systems, no software is required to be installed on the "client" or workstation. Imagine the challenges associated with managing and maintaining an application installed on workstations located in 50 or 100 small physician's clinics.
Intersect is easily configurable to meet the requirements of providers practicing in a wide range of clinical specialties. Users only see what they need to see and are not forced to navigate through irrelevant information to reach what they need. By not forcing a "one-size-fits-all solution on everyone, user satisfaction and productivity both increase.
Mobile access is easily facilitated. Intersect can be accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection so providers won't have to leave their home or office to view test results, order new tests, review nursing notes or update charting information. A large selection of devices are supported including Macs, tablets and smartphones.
Intersect's single database through the continuum of care greatly simplifies the reporting of quality measures and other administrative metrics. Because patient data is located in a single database, it won't be necessary to engage in expensive and complex data warehousing schemes.
Intersect's certification for both ambulatory and in-patient settings is highly important. All ACO members will be served by a single EHR instance.
As important as the above features are, Intersect's most significant impact on an Accountable Care Organization is its capability to transform care delivery as envisioned by the Affordable Care Act. True care coordination becomes possible through the formation of highly integrated, collaborative care teams which are easily created and administrated. The system's secure internal messaging system facilitates the provider to provider, provider to patient and patient to provider communication necessary for effective team collaboration and patient enablement.
The system offers Population Health Management capabilities. Population Health Management can be used to reduce hospital readmission, improve outcomes, and control costs by enrolling patients in an appropriate care plan which can be populated with treatment based on best medical practices. Program goals are established and care plan compliance is fostered through alerts and messages delivered by Intersect's secure internal messaging system. The accumulation of these features position Intersect as the "best of breed" Accountable Care Organization software solution.