Telehealth Solutions for Healthcare Organizations

Telehealth Program Considerations: Financial Operational Technical


Financial Considerations


CMS is proposing a significant reduction in the physician fee schedule for surgeons, anethesiologists and select other services. In addition, although CMS has maintained equal payments for in-person and virtual visits, we anticipate that payments for virtual visits will be reduced over time.
To reduce the financial impact from payment reductions, strategic decisions must be made about:

  1. the size and scope of telehealth services
  2. appropriate compensation for providers who will inevitably experience a reduction in compensation
  3. reducing overhead expense in the long-term as telehealth revenue is reduced


Operational Considerations


Organizational staffing models will likely be impacted in the long-term. Also, clear direction on who, when, and for how long physicians should engage in virtual health encounters versus in-person care. Afterall, we need someone onsite.
To optimize operations, we should clearly define:

  1. physician schedules on-site and virtually
  2. optimized staffing levels to support the operation on-sight and virtually
  3. process flows relative to scheduling, documentation, and follow-up
  4. The technical integration of data


Technology Considerations


What technology solutions are required for long-term sustainability?
CMS relaxed regulations regulations related to security and privacy, making it easier to adopt telehealth services using applications such as Zoom and FaceTime, which do not enable HIPAA compliance. We expect these regulations to tighten back up soon resulting in a likely shift in service providers.
Considerations for choosing telehealth tools are:

  1. assurance that the tools enable HIPAA compliance
  2. flexability to enable remote monitoring and other patient management activities in addition to virtual encounters
  3. capable of mirroring in-person provider processes
  4. capable of integration with existing scheduling and EHR systems
  5. cloud-based applications that don't involve the purchase of computer systems, storage and networking equipment in addition to expensive installations and configuration

Talk to Us

Optimize patient access through physician strategy, alignment and the use of innovative technologies

To learn about how Intersect Healthcare Systems can help you design a thriving telehealth program, please email Dalia Haroune at or call her at 847-737-1102. Dalia helps healthcare organizations enhance their patient reach and deliver high quality care through innovative, easy to adopt, telehealth solutions.