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Cybersecurity Solutions for Small, Mid-Tier and Safety-Net Healthcare Organizations
In the past, the requirements for protection of patient and confidential organizational data were for a firewall to protect threats from entering the network, and for an Anti-Virus application to protect endpoints from becoming infected. Those days are gone forever. Now, the "attack surface," or areas to be protected includes seven specific "attack vectors." Beyond endpoints and the campus and branches behind the firewall, protection is also needed for mobile devices, email, web applications and the data center. Each of those vectors pose unique threats. As an example, ransomware, malware, spoofing and phishing are common to email, while cloud apps can enable unauthorized users with access to privileged information.
</p>The consequences of leaving a threat vector unprotected are akin to leaving unlocked doors in the rear of a home with hope that no thief would ever think look there. Stolen medical records are in high demand and sell for premium prices on the black market. Available technology enables cybercriminals to easily search for minimally protected environments.
Don't purchase the cybersecurity system you need to protect your environment: Subscribe to it!
Use your cash resources to invest in assets to improve patient outcomes and enhance care delivery. Acquire enterprise-class cybersecurity resources on a monthly subscription basis - affordable, flexible option for acquiring technology. With us at your side, you will find the IT solution to achieve your strategic and financial goals.
Future Proof
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